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What Are The Taboos For Eating Pumpkin Seeds?
Nov 04, 2021

1. Pumpkin seeds are small poisonous and can affect liver function. It doesn't matter if you eat 30 grams or 50 grams of pumpkin seeds at a time. If you eat too much, you will feel nauseous. It is too greasy and your liver can't take it anymore. Pumpkin seeds should not be eaten raw. Raw food not only tastes bad, but also has little health effect after eating.

2. Do not eat pumpkin seeds that have been oxidized and spoiled, as they may easily cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain after eating.

3. Don't eat pumpkin seeds with lamb, otherwise it may cause abdominal distension and chest tightness.

4. Patients with stomach fever should eat less, otherwise they will feel abdominal distension and stuffiness. Pumpkin seeds should be consumed in moderation. Don't eat too much at a time. There have been reports of dizziness caused by excessive consumption of pumpkin seeds.