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The Effect Of Pumpkin Seeds
Nov 02, 2021

1. Detoxification: It contains vitamins and pectin. Pectin has good adsorption properties, which can bind and eliminate bacterial toxins and other harmful substances in the body, such as lead, mercury and radioactive elements in heavy metals, which can detoxify.

2. Protect the gastric mucosa and help digestion: The pectin contained in pumpkin can also protect the gastric mucosa from the irritation of rough foods and promote the healing of ulcers, which is suitable for patients with gastric diseases. The ingredients contained in pumpkin can promote bile secretion, strengthen gastrointestinal motility, and help food digestion.

3. Preventing diabetes and lowering blood sugar: Pumpkin is rich in cobalt. Cobalt can activate the body's metabolism, promote hematopoietic function, and participate in the synthesis of vitamin B12 in the human body. It is an essential trace element for human pancreatic islet cells. It is effective in preventing diabetes and lowering blood sugar. Has a special effect.

4. Eliminate carcinogens: Pumpkin can eliminate the mutation effect of carcinogen nitrosamines, has anti-cancer effect, and can help restore liver and kidney functions, and enhance the regeneration of liver and kidney cells.

5. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases: Pumpkin seed oil is rich in more than 70% of unsaturated fatty acids and vegetable protein. It has been proven that unsaturated fatty acids can emulsify and decompose lipids in the blood, improve blood circulation, improve serum lipids, and eliminate Peroxide reduces the content of cholesterol and neutral fat in the blood, reduces the retention time of fat on the inner wall of the blood vessel, and prevents arteriosclerosis.

6. Promote growth and development: Pumpkin is rich in zinc, which participates in the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein in the human body. It is an inherent component of adrenal cortex hormones and an important substance for human growth and development.

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