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Introduction Of Pumpkin Seeds
Jul 08, 2021

Pumpkin seeds are seeds of cucurbitamoschata (duch..) poiret, an annual vine of cucurbitamoschata (duch..). It is mainly produced in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan and other places. Harvest fruits in summer and autumn, take seeds and dry them. Powder is mainly used for fresh people. It is used for tapeworm syndrome. This product has the ability of killing insects, and Ganping does not hurt the positive Qi, and is mainly used to drive tapeworm. The efficacy of Taenia solium disease can be enhanced by using it with areca nut. If the prescription of the prescription is tested, the powder is used, and the cold water is used for 60-120 g. after two hours, the decoction of areca 60-120 G is taken. After half an hour, 15 g of the powder is taken to promote the diarrhea to facilitate the discharge of the insect body. In addition, pumpkin seeds can be used for schistosomiasis, but they should be taken in a large dose.

Plant form annual trailing herbs. The stem has short bristles and tendrils 3-4-lobed. Leaves slightly soft, broadly ovate or ovate, 5-lobed, densely rough hairs on both sides, with fine teeth at the edge. Flowers unisexual, solitary, yellow; Calyx lobes linear, corolla campanulate, stamens 3; The calyx lobes of female flowers are obviously leafy and the style is short. The stalk of fruit has ribs and grooves, and the melon pedicels are enlarged into trumpet. Fruit often has several longitudinal grooves, which are different at the beginning due to varieties. The flowering period is from July to August, and the fruit period is 9-10 months.

It is widely planted in all parts of China.

Harvest the ripe fruits, cut the seeds and dry them in the sun.

Pumpkin seed

The seed is oblate, one end is long, the outer surface is yellow white, the edge is slightly edge, the length is about 1.2 ~ 2.0cm, the width is 0.6 ~ 1.2cm, the surface is slightly hairy. The testa is thick and the hilum is at one end of the apex. After removing the seed coat, the green thin endosperm and two yellow thick cotyledons can be seen. It is fragrant and slightly sweet.

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